Year 5S - Miss Smith Class News

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Year 5 09.09.22

Miss Line - 09 Sep 2022

Welcome back!
We have had a great first week back at school and have been working hard.

This week in Maths we have started revising our understanding of place value. We have looked at how to partition numbers up to one million and have been reading and writing numbers in numerals and words.
For English we have started looking at the features of newspaper reports and have been looking at how to include direct and indirect speech within our writing. We have also been looking at the story of Grendel and Beowulf and have been writing a recount of the story so far.
In Science we have started looking at our new topic – materials. We have carried out tests on a range of materials to identify their properties.

Please remember to practise your spellings and read 5 times a week.

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