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Miss Burgess Update 19/05/22
19 May 2022
This week we have taken our learning from sea to sky! We have focused our learning all around space and have particularly enjoyed learning about the planets in our solar system. We have listened to many songs and read lots of different non-fiction books about space.Using our interactive white board the children helped me draw and choose the correct colours for all of the planets.
Working together, we learnt the different names for a parts of a rocket and then the children worked hard to colour and label their own rocket ship.
In phonics, we started learning the sound ‘c’ and ‘k’ – the children have enjoyed learning our rhyme for this sound and enjoyed learning two new sounds.
We have also worked hard to draw our own rockets and aliens this week, you should be able to see them as you walk past our Nursery windows.
Please remember that this Friday (19th May) is pyjama day at Brady. With a small donation, the children can wear their pyjamas into Nursery for the day.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Burgess 😊