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Miss Burgess Update 06/05/22
06 May 2022
This week in Nursery our learning has been focused around the story ‘Rainbow Fish.’ We have spoken a lot about the importance of sharing and friendship this week as this is a strong message from this wonderful story.
In phonics, we started learning the sound ‘g’ – the children have enjoyed learning our rhyme for this sound and have been trying hard to achieve the correct letter formation.
In maths, we have been using buckets and bowls of water to talk about capacity. We have also been solving one more and one less problems with numbers up to 10.
Finally, this week, we have also been talking at length about the Celebration of Eid. Many children have enjoyed talking about their celebration and showing pictures from home. The children enjoy asking questions and listening to information about different celebrations.
Next week, our story continues to have a sea themed focus as we read the story ‘Pirates Love Underpants.’
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Burgess 😊