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Miss Burgess Update 18/03
18 Mar 2022
Happy Friday! 😊
This week in Nursery, we have been reading a story called ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk.’ Using this story we have started to look into the bean lifecycle and have used this story to help us learn the correct order of the days of the week.
We have also continued with our learning of 3d shapes and are playing lots of games to help us remember their names, some children are now even talking about the different shaped faces on the 3d shapes.
In phonics, we have been doing lots of robot talk and sounding out simple CVC words such as dog, hat, pig and log. The children have to work out what I am saying and choose the correct option. We have also introduced a new phonics sound into our sessions this week.
Our new sound is ‘i’ – the rhyme to remember the correct formation of this is; ‘down the body and a dot for the head.
Finally, the children loved their PE lesson this week. We played a new game, called the Bean Game and the children listened really carefully and followed the rules well.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that the sunshine sticks around!
Miss Burgess 😊