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Let's go fly a parachute

04 Jul 2019

This week has been assessment week and the children have worked really hard to show what they understand at this point in the year. It has been very pleasing to see their progress from the start of the year up until this point.

When we weren't busy concentrating on our assessments, we have been testing parachutes! We planned an investigation for The Sky Diving Company, who wanted to know which parachute would create the most air resistance. We tested different materials and timed which parachute took the longest to reach the ground. Then we wrote back to the company to tell them of our findings. Some children were even able to suggest what we could do in a repeated investigation to make sure our results were even more reliable!

Please note that the children have been informed of their costumes needed for their dance in the KS2 production of Olivia.

Boys will need to look like Victorian orphans e.g. school shorts, an old ragged school shirt, dirty faces.

Girls will need an outfit (dress or top with leggings/trousers) that is bright, comfortable and easy for them to dance in.

Please bring these costumes in by Thursday 11th July, so that they are ready for the children to wear during the dress rehearsal to KS1.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss West
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