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World Book Day
09 Mar 2018
What a fun day Year 5 have had on our World Book Day! We began the day by looking at two of our favourite Greek Myths about Perseus and Jason. We were deciding which hero we would rather help save Rainham from a mythical beast! The children then wrote a persuasive letter in role as either Perseus or Jason, to try and convince the people of Rainham that they were the hero for the job.
In Maths this week we have been looking at solving worded problems using different methods and by selecting the correct operation. Today we put this to the test by trying to solve 'the mystery of the world book day competition'. Children were required to use their knowledge to help solve clues and crack the code.
The class all looked fantastic so a big thank you to all of the hard work that went into the day.
Here are some pictures of outfits: