Nursery - Mrs Divall Class News

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Nursery Autumn 1 Week 2

Mrs Divall - 12 Sep 2024

This week we have had lots of fun learning about the three little pigs. We have had a turn in the Reception garden (hurray!) and we have been busy getting used to all the new routines. 

Apologies there are not so many photos but we do have several children without permission so we cannot use photos including groups of children.  Rest assured we are having lots of fun and we will do our best to share a snapshot of activities on here. 

Every child has a book for you to read to them 3 times and record on Boom reader this week.  Do not record books from home on Boom Reader as we love that you are reading books at home but it is so we can track school reading at the moment as a trial.  This may change but we will let you know! 






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