Nursery - Mrs Divall Class News

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Nursery First Week Back, Mrs Divall's class :)

Mrs Divall, Mrs Hayes and Miss Raven - 04 Sep 2024

This week we have had our settling in sessions. 

It's been so much fun, what a lovely nursery class we have this year!  We are so happy and so proud!

I hope you enjoy a few snapshots of our week below.  If you have not given photo permission, you will not be able to see your child.  Speak to a member of staff if you would wish to change this! Likewise, we have been busy playing lots with your children so you might be wondering why there aren't many photos - if they are photographed with children without permission we cannot use the photos publically. 

Well done everybody.  Don't forget to read the newsletter, it's very important :) 

Mrs Divall x 



































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