Nursery Summer 1 Week 1
Mrs Divall - 18 Apr 2024
This week in Nursery, we have been learning all about "Minibeasts."
We have built Bug Hotels, and made a home for 5 amazing snails!
We looked closely at our butterflies and released them (eventually, it was a windy day!)
We have been deciding what our favourite minibeast is and made a graph to count. The most popular minibeast is a Butterfly (9 votes) followed closely by Spiders, then a draw with worms, bees and snails!
The children have settled back really nicely and have behaved so well. They were happy to see their friends and teachers.
A big thank you to Mrs Degun, Mrs Zaayman, Mrs Hayes and Mrs G for another great week in Brady Nursery.
Look out for the newsletter and homework ideas to inform you further about the next half term, it will be sent home tomorrow.