Autumn 2 Week 3- Exploring Autumn
17 Nov 2022
This week we have been exploring autumn! The children have been busy making leaf men, printing using paint and leaves and collecting autumnal objects that they can find around the school grounds. We have been comparing autumnal colours and trying to match these.
In phonics we have been listening carefully to rhyming words and reading lots of books with rhyming sequences in them. Also, we have been exploring non-fiction books about seasons and we find it interesting how the trees change.
In maths we have introduced 5-frames and have used these to explore the number 2. We have practiced forming the number 2, making the number 2 and subitising the number 2 too.
I look forward to meeting with you all on Monday 21st Nov to discuss how your child has settled into Nursery and their progress so far this term.
Don't forget this Friday (18th Nov) is Children in Need day which is non-uniform.
Mrs Degun x