This week we have been learning all about celebrations, with a particular focus on Bonfire Night. Children have enjoyed learning how to mark-make fireworks using different techniques and colours. We have been writing cards and posting parcels to our friends and role- playing post offices. We have been discussing what else we can see in the sky and really enjoyed learning a new song all about planets! We even made rockets using junk box modelling too.
In maths we have been ordering numbers and counting how many accurately. We enjoyed using real coins and counting how many coins to put in our "purse". Some of us attempted to add one more/ take one away and then count to check.
In phonics, the children have been trying hard to learn about alliteration. We have been finding objects that start with the same sound and exploring what sounds our names begin with too. We did a science experiment! Diet coke and mentos to see what would happen. The children loved this and if you could replicate it with them at home we're sure they'd really appreciate it :).
On Friday, we will be learning about Remembrance Day. All of the children have painted beautiful poppies to mark the occasion.
The Nursery Team x