Autumn 1 Week 6- The Ugly Duckling
12 Oct 2022
This week in Nursery we have been learning and exploring the story The Ugly Duckling. We have explored freezing and melting, re-telling the story, story sequencing and counting/ matching a range of objects. I must say the children were excellent at discussing the duckling's feelings throughout the story and comparing how we are different and similar to our peers and teachers.
Some children experienced attending Mr Stephen's assembly about Harvest this week and they behaved excellently. Thank you to all of our adults who donated towards the Harvest celebrations.
Reading Records have been distributed in Nursery, please speak to Mrs Degun if you have any questions on how to record your reads.
A letter went out this week about a short Phonics information session for Nursery parents/ carers. This will be held on 18th October, 3:45-4pm. Please do attend if possible.
We hope you enjoy the rest of your week.
The Nursery Team x