Year 5 Summer Term - Week 11
09 Jul 2022
This week we've had a few interesting developments...
English Writing
We've finally got around to completing our recounts and are now starting to revise punctuating direct speech ahead of writing short narratives set in a theme park.
We used the Chromebooks to look up the websites of famous U.K. theme parks. We rated them for usability, ease of navigation, accessibility options and overall purpose.
The next academic year
I am pleased to be able to (finally) reveal that Miss Bates will be this cohort's class teacher in Year 6. Miss Bates has already joined us in school and is already getting to know the children. Mrs. Wall, Mrs. Fenoo and Mrs. Devlin will be the support staff for the next academic year.
Isle of Wight Residential
Please return your letters about next year's residential visit, indicating whether you would like your child to attend. This will help the school give a more accurate quote for parents once numbers are confirmed.