Miss Burgess Update 17/06/22
17 Jun 2022
This week in Nursery, we have been learning all about our bodies. We have been learning the name for our different body parts and we have spoken about our 5 different senses and what each of them do.
During our PE lesson this week, we focused on the children remembering and following a routine. The children worked hard and listened to the instructions, even with the very hot temperatures.
In phonics, we started learning the sound ‘e’ and ‘l’– the children were very confident on the formation for ‘l’ but some have struggled to master the correct formation for ‘e’ so we will continue working on this over the upcoming weeks.
Over the week we have also been talking at length about different emotions. We spoke about the ones that we knew and discussed different times we felt those emotions and what we can do if we are ever feeling sad or angry. As a class we practised taking deep breaths, counting to 10 and many other relaxing strategies.
Next week, our learning will focus around a brilliant book called; ‘The world of Food’ which I know the children are going to love!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Burgess 😊