Miss Burgess Update 7/1/22 Welcome Back!
07 Jan 2022
Welcome Back! 😊
We hope you all enjoyed the holidays and a ready and refreshed for Spring Term at Brady Nursery.
This week has been very busy in the Nursery. We have been lucky enough to welcome some new friends into our class and have enjoyed showing them all of our games and toys.
Our topic for this half term is Animals, this week we have been listening to the story ‘Dear Zoo’ and have focused our learning around this. In maths, we have ordered animals from biggest to smallest and have carefully counted groups of animals. For our song time this week, we have been singing the song ‘Down in the Jungle,’ this is our favourite YouTube version:
To mix in a little bit of Science, we have spoken about where certain animals live. So, when singing this nursery rhyme we take turns choosing an animal and then if we are singing about a cow we change it to ‘down on the farm’ rather than jungle. We have also spoken about what makes something a living thing- for example; we are living things because we eat, breath and grow the same as a dog or lion but, a table and pen are not living things.
Finally, for our phonics this week we have been focusing on rhythm and rhyme by reading lots of rhyming books, finding rhyming pairs and copying rhythms from songs and instruments.
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday 😊
Reminders and Information:
- To access this half terms homework map and information please view my other post called ‘Nursery Spring 1 Homework Map and Information’