Miss Burgess Update 19/11
19 Nov 2021
Happy Friday 😊
This week in Nursery we have spent lots of time talking about Birthdays and taking part in birthday party role play. We have sang happy birthday to each other and spent time talking about what we do on our birthdays and what our favourite presents are.
In maths, we are working hard on our number recognition to 5 and being able to match objects that show this number represented in different ways. The children have also worked hard on their fine motor skills through cutting activities, pencil control sheets and threading beads.
We also spent some time discussing how we can be kind to new children when they join our class and what we should do to be a good friend.
Each morning, the children really enjoy talking about the days of the week and love singing this song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXMofxtDPUQ For the first time today, we also listened to the months of the year song which they equally seemed to enjoy. This can be found here:
Finally this week, the children have loved sharing their Children in Need inspired outfits. We spoke briefly about why we donate money and how this helps other families.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday 😊
Reminders and information:
Please keep encouraging the children to put on and take off their own coats as this really helps us in class. Also, please check your child’s bag as some leaflets / information sheets may have been put inside.