Miss Burgess Update 17/9/21
18 Sep 2021
This week we are reading and learning about a brilliant book called, ‘The Three Little Pigs.’ The children loved it and enjoy pretending to be the big Bad Wolf in our home area outside.
We have practised our counting, singing and have enjoyed retelling and sharing the story in class. The children have been thinking about which materials they would like best to build a house and we started discussing which materials are heavy and light.
Finally, this week, the children also loved painting a picture of the Three Little Pigs and decorating a biscuit to look like one of the pigs! We then pretended to be the big Bad Wolf and gobbled the biscuits up in our snack time.
We are inviting you to come and take a look around our wonderful classroom. This will give you a chance for your child to show you around and tell you all about the wonderful things we do in the Nursery.
This session will be: Wednesday 22nd of September from 3:30-3:45
There will be an opportunity to meet all of the members of staff that work with your child and ask any questions you may have. Please wait around at the end of the day once all children are reunited with their adults before coming in, if you only attend a morning session please feel free to come back for this session.