Year Five: Week Thirteen
18 Dec 2019
What a long term this has been!
On behalf of the staff working in Year Five, I would like to wish you all a peaceful break and a Merry Christmas.
This week we have finalised our newspaper articles about the 1969 moon landings, used algebraic formulae to calculate the area and perimeter of rectanges and created our Christmas cards (using the children's own designs and creativity).
When we return after the (much deserved) break, we will be studying Tudor England in our new Cornerstones Curriculum topic, 'Off with her head!' This is a fantastic topic and the children will hopefully learn a lot about one of the must tumultuous but important periods of British History.
Letters have been sent home about the final cost of our Residential Visit to Stubbers. Please ensure all payments have been made by the deadline stated on the letter. If you have any questions about payments, please contact the school office.
Mr. Stephens
Please note - Children's swimming lessons have now ended so children will be expected to have their P.E kits in school every day.