Year Five: Week Eleven
29 Nov 2019
We've had a busy week this week! A big thank-you to all who attended our Shared Learning afternoon. Our final pieces will be shown in our assembly.
Topic, Reading and Writing - This week we have been reading a range of historical sources about the 1969 Moon Landings and taking notes with a view to writing our own newspapers about them.
Science - We studied how the world's philosophers and scientists changed their views about the structure of our solar system over thousands of years from a geocentric view to the heliocentric view.
French - We began our new unit about food and drink, learning to ask for particular drinks.
Music - We have been learning the Christmas Carol concert songs ready for our two performances.
Assembly - We designed our assembly and have been learning our parts.
Reminder: Next week is assessment week and some children have Bikeability lessons. Please ensure you are ready