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1ST Spring 1 week 3
Mrs Staples - 24 Jan 2025
It has been a great week in year 1, as always the children have worked hard!
In English, the children wrote a character description for the lion and the mouse from our class story. They also sequenced the story and learnt how to applyu the suffix ‘ed’.
In maths, the children learnt one more and one less, looked at the number line to 20 and estimated on a number line. The children have found the number line to 20 a little tricky so lots of practise next week.
In science, the children identified and named a variety of common animals such as mini-beasts. They enjoyed mini-beast hunting around the school grounds using magnifying glasses and applying their working scientifically skills.
In history, the children shared and spoke about the people in their family, they were all so proud to share their family trees with their peers. It was a very interesting lesson learning all about our family trees and how that applies to timelines in history.
In art, the children created some fantastic collage portraitds using feature cut-outs.. We saw some very spectacular portraits.
Thursday 6
th February – school closed.
Wednesday 12
th February – KS1 disco