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Miss Burgess Update 13/11/23
13 Nov 2023
In English, we have been using the story of Paddington to focus our learning. Paddington has come to visit us for a few weeks and we are going to be learning about how to write a letter to Mr Brown to tell him how Paddington has been. We have been identifying questions and statements. They have been learning to use question marks accurately. The children thought of interesting questions to ask Mr Brown to learn about how to care for Paddington Bear. Then, the children used their questions to write a letter.
In Maths, the children have been learning to add and subtract numbers. They have been using part-whole models and bar models to support them with this. They have really impressed us with their determination to overcome challenges, especially when completing word problems and missing number problems.
In Science, the children have started learning about different materials and their properties. In Geography, we have had a wonderful week exploring our new topic Bright Lights Big City! We have started learning about the countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities. In DT we are learning about moving vehicles, we learnt about different parts e.g. wheels, axles and chassis that helps vehicle move. We also wrote instructions on how to make a car/taxi.
Important Dates/ Reminders
- Please bring in any small boxes you collect at home to support out design project where the children will be making their own car.
- Monday 18th December- afternoon tea. This is for the children only. If you have not already, please return your RSVP slip and donation. Thank you 😊