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Miss Burgess Update 24/2/23
24 Feb 2023
Welcome Back!
In English this week we have been learning a popular tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children have been writing character descriptions and coming up with their own actions to the story. We are going to be working on writing our own recount of this story and will be using lots of new grammar.
This week we completed our addition and subtraction within 20 unit. The children have struggled with missing number problems such as;
____ + 3 = 12 and 10 - ____ = 4
This may be something you wish to cover a more at home to further support the learing taking place in school. Next week, we begin our next unit about place value within 50.
In science our new topic is plants! We have potted our own bean seed this week and will observe and track the growth of the beans over the next 6 weeks.
Please see attached homework map and newletter for Spring 2. 😊
-Newsletter and Homework Map Spring 2.pdf-