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Miss Burgess update
23 Jun 2023
This week in English, we have been learning to write instructions. For that, we designed our magical potion.
First, we carefully thought and planned what we want our magic potion to do, we came up with lots of great ideas! We then thought of the ingredients we would need to make our potion and finally how to make it. We carefully planned it and wrote each instruction, ingredients and method of making our potion.
In maths this week we have been practicing to partition numbers up to 100 into tens and ones. We estimated numbers on number line and practiced our one more and one less up to 100.
In DT this week we had lots of fun! We started our new topic ‘Food Preparation’. We looked at different fruit/vegetables that can be chopped, sliced, grated, peeled and mashed. We also had a go at grating, chopping, slicing, peeling and mashing the food.
In Science, we are learning about ‘Everyday Materials’. We looked at different materials that will make a good choice for building structure that is strong enough for withstanding wind and materials that will be waterproof for using for roof. We built our own houses made out of straws, sticks and lego bricks. We did our experiment to see if the structure could withstand wind and if the roof was shower proof.