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Miss Burgess Update 24/11/23
24 Nov 2023
In English this week we have been learning about writing instructions. For our first lesson the children had to make instructions for the teacher to follow to make a maramalde sandwich. The children have been learning to use imperative verbs and ensure their instructions are clear, specific and written in a full sentence.
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning to add and subtract 1 or 2 to a given number using many different strategies. Next week, we will start learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
In DT we have started to create our car/taxis. The children enjoyed assembly the different pieces needed and putting them all together.
Important Dates/ Reminders
- Friday 1st December- Non-uniform day. Instead of donating £1 children in year 1 have been asked to donate a pink item for our Christmas hampers. This pink item could be bubble bath, chocolate, candle ect.
- Monday 18th December- afternoon tea. This is for the children only. If you have not already, please return your RSVP slip and donation. Thank you 😊