Year 1ST - Mrs Staples Class News

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Miss Burgess Update 27/1/23

27 Jan 2023

In English this week our main focus has been on sentence structure and grammar. The children have been working hard on writing their own senteces while also remembering to include the revelavant punctuation in the correct places. The children have also been learning about proper nouns and how the names of people, pets and places also need to have a capital letter.

This week has been our final week focusing on place value to 20. We have been ordering numbers to 20, estimating to 20 and comparing numbers to 20. Next week, we will be moving onto out next topic in mathematics where we will be learning about addition and subtraction within 20.

In Science this week we have explored another one of our senses, taste! The children taste tested lots of different items such as lemon, sparkling water, bread sticks and popcorn. They described each taste and rated them out of 10, sparkling water was their least favourite item. Finally, in Art we created our own portrait inspired by Pablo Picasso. We spoke about using warm and cool colours to create our image and the children enjoyed expressing their creativity and imagination through their art work.

Have a wonderful weekend 😊

1B Class Assembly Friday 3rd March
Whole Class Photos Thursday 2nd March






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