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Miss Burgess update
19 Apr 2024
This week in English, we have started looking at a new story to inform our writing. We have been looking at the story, ‘First Day at Bug School.’ The children have really enjoyed this new story and we have been using adjectives to write character and setting descriptions.
During our maths lessons this week, we practiced counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We learnt songs about counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and completed worksheets.
In PSHE we started our new topic- ‘How to be responsible’. We discussed how can we be responsible to keep our self-safe and prevent any accidents. In Computing, we started on our new topic- ‘We are digital artists’
In Art, we compared two or more pieces of art and wrote about the similarities and differences.
In Science, we looked at animal families i.e. amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish and mammals. In Geography we learnt all about maps and learnt to read simple maps.
-Newsletter and Homework Map Summer 1.pptx-