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Miss Burgess Update 14/7
12 Jul 2023
This week, the children showed great enthusiasm on our transition morning. They truly are ready for year 2!
This week in English, we wrote the Little Red Riding Hood story using appropriate punctuations and adjectives. We then had a brainstorm in the class and thought about alternate ending of our story. We planned and wrote down the ideas how story could end and then finally wrote down our own version of story in the books. Children came up with brilliant ideas.
In maths this week we are started our new topic ‘Time’ we learnt about appropriate language to describe time, e.g. before, after, yesterday, today, tomorrow…etc. We then learnt days of the week and months of the year and then moved on to learning about hours, minutes and seconds.
In DT this week we made sandwiches/wraps/rolls with our chosen ingredients e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers,, lettuce, peppers, carrots, ham, tuna, brown bread, white bread, bread roll, wrap…etc
we were really proud of children for trying ingredients that they don’t usually have at home.
In Science we looked at different fabrics and its properties.