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Miss Burgess Update 03/02/2023
03 Feb 2023
In English this week we have been learning about sequencing a story, identifying sentences that are written in past or present tense and also learning the key features of diary entry e.g sentences are written in first person and using past tence for the diary entry. We have also been learning about adding ‘er’ to a root word to create a new word and have written own sentences using words with the suffix ‘er’ in it.
This week we have started our new topic, addition and subtraction within 20. We have been learning to add by counting on, add ones using number bonds, using numicon shapes to add within 20, and learnt to make number bonds to 20. We have also done some mental maths e.g calculating and working out answers in our heads.
In Science this week we have explored another one of our senses, touch! The children explored different textured materials found in and around the school, for that we went for a walk in the playground and different part of school building. We found objects with different textures e.g rough, smooth, silky, bumpy, spikey, prickly, scaly..etc and felt how it feels to touch on our skin, e.g. hot, cold, soft, hard.. In History, we have be learning what childhood looked like in 1950s. In RE we have started learning about ‘Sikhism.’ We also learnt about things that happen at Gurdwara, reasons why Sikh visit Gurdwara and how to show respect in Gurdwara.
Have a lovely weekend. 😊