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Miss Burgess Update 30/6/23
30 Jun 2023
This week in English, we have started looking at a new story to inform our writing. We have been looking at the fairy tale, ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ The children have really enjoyed going over this familiar story. We have been using adjectives to write character and descriptions, we made our own shopping list and included healthy foods on our shopping list to help make granny feel better and we also wrote a poem about Little Red Riding Hood.
In maths this week we have started looking at new topic ‘Money’ we are learning to recognise the coins, understand value of each coins and learnt to sort the coins.
In DT this week we measured and weighed food items using nonstandard measures, such as spoons and cups. We also made vegetable salad.
In Science, we learnt about properties and use of glass. We also watched an amazing video of process in making glass. At the end of the lesson we used different items made out of glass, filled them up with different amount of water and made music by tapping on them.