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1ST Spring 1 week 4
Mrs Staples - 31 Jan 2025
It has been a great week in Year 1.
In English, the children wrote a fact file about The Lion and the Mouse story using the suffix “–ed.” They were able to use exciting adjectives and challenged themselves to explain the moral of the story. They have also started their next unit of work based around Chapatti Moon. Today, we used the conjunction "and" to extend sentences.
In Maths, the children have continued their work with the number line up to 20, comparing numbers. The children have found this a little tricky but have worked very hard to secure their knowledge.
In Science, the children went birdwatching! We used our sense of sight to spot magpies, pigeons, and even some geese! We also listened very carefully to the sounds of the birds' songs outside and then compared them to the audio we heard in the classroom, using our sense of hearing. The children then discussed the birds on our identification chart and chose their favourite one to draw and label.
In History, the children worked together to order a timeline. They worked in teams and were successful at ordering the decades from 1950 to the present day.
In Art, the children used pastels to replicate images from our lesson. They applied their knowledge of colours to match shades and created some wonderful replicas!
Today was National Geographic Day. The children spent the afternoon learning about African elephants and black rhinos. They then used their collage skills from Art to complete some lovely artwork, which they have brought home to show you.
Thursday, 6th February – School closed.
Wednesday, 12th February – KS1 disco.