Year 1ST - Mrs Staples Class News

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Miss Burgess Update 12/1/24

12 Jan 2024

This week in English we have looked at our new book, Journey by Aaron Becker. The children decorated their own Red Magical Door, they then described the door and wrote how they decorated it and where will that magical door lead them. They also performed the story/song using actions, gestures and expressions. We also looked at couple of examples of poems and wrote our own poems about where our Magical Red Door will lead us.

In maths we are now looking at place value within 20. We are focusing on counting forwards and backwards within twenty and developing the understanding of 15 is equal to 1 ten and 5 ones.

In History our topic this term is ‘Childhood,’ this topic teaches children about everyday life and families today, including comparisons with childhood in the 1950s, using artefacts and a range of different sources. This week we learnt about human timeline and made our own timelines. During our Science lesson this week we have started a new topic, where we will learn all about the human body. We labelled and discussed the different parts of the body and what they are used for. In Art we made our own Art gallery! We walked around and looked at many famous portraits, while walking around we compared the different art work and then had a go at completing our own self-portrait.
Please see attached the newsletter and homework map for this half term.

  -Homework Map Spring 1.pdf-  

  -Newsletter Spring 1.pdf-  

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