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1ST Spring 2 week 3
Mrs Staples - 14 Mar 2025
It has been a very busy week in Year 1!
In English, we read The Billy Goats Gruff. The children acted out the story, and we saw some very realistic trolls! We also created a story map to prepare for writing more about the story next week.
In Maths, we have been exploring tens and ones. The children have been recognising intervals of 10 on a number line and partitioning two-digit numbers (within 50) into tens and ones.
In Science, we conducted a fun experiment to replicate how ice forms in winter. The children successfully identified different things we associate with winter, such as snow, cold weather, and warm clothing.
In DT, we designed our own dens! The children created fantastic drawings and labelled the different parts of their structures—well done, Year 1!
It was wonderful to see so many grown-ups at our Shared Learning event on Thursday. Thank you for your support; the children had a great afternoon!
Dates for the diary:
Wednesday 26
th March – inset – Parent Consultations