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1ST Spring 2 Week 1
Mrs Staples - 01 Mar 2025
We have had a fantastic first week back in Spring 2!
In English, the children began exploring
The Secret Garden, focusing on how they imagine and describe the setting. They came up with some amazing adjectives and vivid descriptions.
In Maths, they continued working on subtraction, using number bonds and number lines to count backwards, and they have been putting in a lot of effort.
In Science, we started learning about seasonal changes, and the children were able to identify the appropriate clothing for different seasons.
In Music, they explored a variety of percussion instruments, practicing playing in time with the beat and rhythm. The children have been working hard and having fun in every lesson!
Dates for the diary:
Thursday 6
th March – World Book Day
Thursday 13
th March – 1S class assembly – 1.30pm
Thursday 13
th March – Year 1 Shared Learning - 1.45-2.45
Wednesday 26
th March – inset – Parent Consultations