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Miss Burgess Update 9/2/24
09 Feb 2024
In English this week our main focus has been on sentence structure and grammar. The children have been working hard on writing their own senteces while also remembering to include the revelavant punctuation in the correct places. The children have also been learning about proper nouns and how the names of people, pets and places also need to have a capital letter.
This week we have been doubling numbers, used near doubles to work out the answers and we learned to subtract ones using number bonds. We have also been learning about subtracting by counting back. Finally we worked out subtraction questions in our head and wrote the answers during our mental maths session.
In Science this week we have explored another one of our senses, touch! The children explored different textured materials found the school. We found objects with different textures e.g rough, smooth, silky, bumpy, spikey, prickly, scaly..etc and felt how it feels to touch on our skin, e.g. hot, cold, soft, hard..etc.