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Miss Burgess Update 28/09
28 Sep 2023
This week in English we have continued working on the childrens understanding of sentence structure by introducing the conjunction ‘and’ to join two clauses together. We have also been learning how we must use a capital letter for I within our writing as this is a personal pronoun.
We have been working hard on developing children’s independence with wiritng words by using their known sounds to have a go at sounding out and spelling different words- please also encourage this at home.
In Maths, the children have been using their number knowledge to compare different groups of objects. We have introduced the terminology greater, less and equal alongside the following symbols < , > and =.
In Science, we looked more in depth at the seasons Spring and Winter and sorted images based on the season they took place in.
Finally, the children who attened the disco had a wonderful time! They were well behaved, excited and showed some fantastic dance moves,
Please be reminded that all Year 1 parents are encouraged to attend the phonics workshop on Wednesday 18th October. This will now be held from 2:45-3:15.
Monday is the day for Year 1 PE- all children must come in on that day with a PE kit and earrings removed.