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Miss Burgess Update 06/07
06 Jul 2023
This week in English, we did ‘Hot Seating’ where children (one child at a time) pretended to be a character from the story and the rest of the children asked them questions it helps to support children to develop their questioning and listening skills in an engaging way. It also invites children to recount a specific event and explore multiple perspectives/experiences related to a theme, topic, event or idea. We also wrote apology letter to Granny on behalf of Mr Wolf.
In maths this week we are still exploring our topic ‘Money’ we learnt to sort and count different coins, we learnt to recognise notes and we compared different amounts.
In DT this week we designed our own meal deals. Children enjoyed talking about their favourite items that they would choose for their meal deals.
In Science we learnt explored what materials would make a comfy bed and designed one for Goldilocks to sleep on.
Thank you for coming to our Sports day to support our little future olympians and superstars.
(Pictures to come next week)