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Miss Burgess Update 12/5/23
12 May 2023
This week in English, we have started looking at a new story to inform our writing. We have been looking at the story, ‘First Day at Bug School.’ The children have really enjoyed this new story and we have been using adjectives to write character and setting descriptions.
In maths this week we have started looking at a new topic, fractions.
We have mainingly focused on understanding what a half is and have introduced the ½ symbol.
The children have been finding half of shapes and quantities, next week we will be looking at quarters.
In Science we sorted animals into catergories based on their diet. We investigated which animals were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores and listed what kind of foods they might eat.
In Art, we continued learning about Jame Rizzi and have been making a mural of lots of different houses that are similar to his chosen style.
Finally, in PSHE this week we have spoken about targets. We discussed how there is always something we need to get better at, even as adults. In the lesson we spoke about how we need to be resilient and dedicated when we want to get better at something. The children loved the motto ‘practice makes perfect’ when discussing things we can do to achieve the goals set.
Have a lovely weekend!