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Miss Burgess Update 14/10/22
14 Oct 2022
In English this week, we wrote a postcard about our trip on the moon. The children worked hard to remember their full stops and capital letters. We also began to read the story Superworm. The children thought of interesting adjectives to describe Superworm and practised using them in a sentence. Then, we wrote character descriptions about Wizard Lizard and the Crow from the story.
In Maths, we focused on completing number lines. The children were great at this and showed off their problem solving skills to find one more or one less than a given number. Towards the end of the week, we learned about part whole models.
Other Subjects
The children enjoyed their PSHE lessons this week learning about the feeling of worry and identified adults who they could talk to if they felt worried and what they should do. In Computing the children loved bringing the story Superworm to life by creating illustrations of the characters. The children also designed a Christmas card that you will be able to purchase this year. Please keep an eye out for a form to be completed for this and return it to school.
Reminders and Notices
- Superhero Day- Wednesday 19th October
- Pyjama Day- Friday 21st October