Miss Burgess Update 26/4/24
26 Apr 2024
This week in English, we have started looking at poetry and rhyming words in the poetry. The children have really enjoyed coming up with their own rhyming words, they took active part in performing poetry with actions/expressions and sounds to make their performance interesting. They also created a bug poem as a group.
During our maths lessons this week, we had lots of practice in counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We learnt to recognise equal and unequal groups, adding equal groups using our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We also learnt to make arrays to make counting easier.
In Art, we looked at American pop artist James Rizzi, we looked at different pieces of art work created by him and tried to recreate one of them, In Science, we looked at mammals and birds. We were able to sort them in different categories e.g. with fur/feathers, we were also able to describe them if they are warm blooded, lay eggs, has hair/fur on their body, has feathers, tail. Etc