Miss Burgess Update 25/11/22
25 Nov 2022
In English this week, we have been learning about writing instructions. The children have been learning that instructions need to be clear and accurate to ensure that people can follow them correctly. We have made marmalade sandwiches and the children are going to create a set of instructions to send to Mr and Mrs Brown to follow when they are making marmalade sandwiches for Paddington Bear.
In Maths, we have been focusing on word problems that involve finding 1 or 2 more, or less of a given number. The children have been highlighting key information in the word problems and using this to support them in solving the problem. Next week, we will start our new topic of Geometry where we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
In Science, the children have continued to learn about different materials. The children have been investigating different materials and sorting them based on if they are a natural object or a man-made object. In DT, we have been investigating how different objects move and have been using the vocabulary; axels, wheels and chassis.