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Mrs Shah weekly update- 6th Oct 2023
06 Oct 2023
This week in English we have been focusing on using adjectives to make our writing more interesting. We have been describing images from outer space and have even described a picture of an alien from our class story ‘The Man on the Moon’. We have sequenced images from this story and have started to write recount.
This week in Maths, we have continued using the symbols <, > and = to compare numbers. We have also been ordering numbers from smallest to greatest and have made our own number lines. Next week, we will be moving on from our place value unit and we will be learning about addition and subtraction.
Other Subjects
In Geography, we have started to discuss positional language and drew our very own compass. In RE we discussed who Jesus is and why is he important for some people.
Reminders and Notices
Superhero Day- 13th October
Please be reminded that all Year 1 parents are encouraged to attend the phonics workshop on Wednesday 18th October. This will now be held from 2:45-3:15. If you have not already, please return the slip attached to letter. This will let the Year 1 team know if you will be attending or not.