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1K Autumn term 2 Wk 2
11 Nov 2021
We have written a letter to our superhero this week. Now we are focusing how to develop our sentences and vocabulary using adjectives.
We are continuing to use the part whole model and understand how we can find addition calculations using this model. We have been learning about the commutative law of maths (it doesn’t matter what way you add the numbers you still get the same answer).
Our topic this term is looking at Everyday materials, children enjoyed experimenting and investigating different properties of materials.
We have been learning about how Florence Nightingale helped with improving hospitals and training nurses.
As always, homework for the week is to login to numbots and practice your maths skills to build fluency.
Remember to read your book-bag book to your adult at least 4 times this week – don’t forget to talk about the book. Adults, you can use the activities and questions on the last page and inside back cover as guidance for the types of questions to ask.
Every Monday, your child will be given a spelling sheet for spellings, covering sounds and red words they have been learning in their phonics groups. Spellings will take place on a Friday during phonics and their result can be found in their spelling book – please return this every Monday.
You are welcome to complete any of the tasks on the Superhero homework map.