Year 1S - Mrs Shah Class News

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Sum 1 Week 3- Ninjas, princesses, dragons and butterflies!

05 May 2017

In Literacy this week children have blown me away with their creativity and imagination when writing their own fictional stories. We have had princesses, butterflies, dragons, ninjas, giants and many other characters in settings including the zoo, the farm, different dimensions, sewers and desert islands! Children have been focussing on how to structure stories. Incorporated into this we have been writing using adjectives, exclamation marks, conjunctions and varying our sentence starters. We have been focussing a lot on re-reading our work, editing it where necessary to make sure it makes sense. We will be writing the ending of our stories next week, before moving on to non-fiction work.

In maths we have been learning how to add and subtract 3 numbers together. We incorporated some fun outdoor learning into this earlier this week.

In topic we have been describing our local area.

We have currently got 5 caterpillars that live on Miss Bhambra's desk. We are excitedly awaiting for them to make their cocoons. 

We had a fairytale themed BRICS today, where we made shields, swords and princess hats! 

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Bhambra











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