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Reception Week 6

Mrs Divall, Mrs Zaayman and Mrs Degun - 12 Oct 2021

This week in Reception, we have been learning about electricity.  We have been thinking about what it was like to live before electricity.  Lots of us felt we would miss our TV’s and iPads if we didn’t have electricity. We have been learning about how to create a simple circuit, to light a lightbulb.  This was very, very exciting!

In maths, we have been talking about ordering different lengths and heights.  We will be having a tower building competition later in the week, to see who can build the biggest tower!

We have been reading “The House that wanted a family” this week as our core text.  We have been talking about our own homes, and the similarities and differences between homes. 

It as been a lovely week so far, and we are looking forward to the next few days too!




























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