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Baby bunnies and Knuffle bunny...

Mrs Divall - 07 May 2015

Hi all,

Over the weekend, please could you gather the following with your child....

1.  a (clean) sock that you don't mind us making something with...
2. a baby photo that you don't mind us sticking into our writing book (a scanned copy would be fine!)
3. Your child's first words, or words they used to say incorrectly
 ONE special toy for show and tell 

Please could you bring all these things in with your child on Monday!

Also, if anyone has any (clean) junk modelling, we'd glady take it in and use it.

Next week, we will be focussing specifically on the process of growing up, and we will be completing lots of craft activities that relate to the Knuffle Bunny text.  Please don't read this book to your child over the weekend, as I am going to be asking them to make predicitions about the story and that's abit too easy if they've already read the story! :)

In phonics we have been learning the HFW there, was, for, they,I'm, Mrs, have, them

Kind Regards,

Mrs Divall 

ps there is a competition accross the school to desigh a 'Brady superhero'... if your child wishes to enter then design a superhero on a piece of paper! :) bring it in on Monday ...

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