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Living Eggs and Hungry Caterpillars!

Mrs Divall - 27 Apr 2015

This week and last week our learning has been focussed around the chicks hatching.

In particular, we have been looking closely to observes and be able to talk about changes over time.
We have been keeping a chick diary every day to update the changes we have noticed.
We also have 5 caterpillars in our class.  We decided to name them Dandelion, Poppy, Dylan, Gary and Fairy.  We are watching them get longer and fatter every day, until they go into their cocoons to emerge as our beautiful butterflies!

We have been practising writing simple sentences about out chicks, focussing on sounding out, leaving finger spaces and a full stop at the end of the sentence.  We are trying to encourage the children to remember their own next word, and asking them to read it back, rather than depend on an adult to tell them the next word.  The children are working extremely hard at this!  This has been our focus in phonics for the children in Miss Hopkins and my own group.  We have also been learning 12 tricky words – saw, here, very, people, have, old, Mr, one, with, little, but, down.

Last week in maths we focussed on naming 2D shapes.  We extended the variety of shapes to circle, oval, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon.  We played 2D shape bingo, and used shapes to make pictures of the chicks in their incubator.  Please will you practise 2D shape names with your child at home if you notice that they are still a little unreliable!

This week in maths we are focussing on measuring and capacity.  We will be playing outside with the water using containers, using vocabulary such as heavier and lighter, full, empty, pouring.  We will be using multilink cubes and rulers to measure different objects.

I hope this gives you a little more to work on at home and I will update you at the beginning of next week!

Mrs Divall 
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