Year 1S - Mrs Shah Class News

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Mrs Shah update

20 Sep 2024

In English, we looked at the picture of Gru, we had class discussion and came up with lots adjectives to describe Gru. We then used our interesting words/adjectives in sentences to describe Gru. We also made a wanted poster.

In Maths, children have been identifying one more and one less than any given number. They really impressed the teachers with their knowledge although it was a little trickier to find the missing number problems.
In Science, we had lots of fun, exploring and experimenting. We went around the school to hear different sounds in our environment, we played what can you feel game to explore sense of touch and we played what can you smell game, all the children took part with great enthusiasm.
In History, we recapped facts and knowledge about Florence Nightingale and then completed Fact File about Florence Nightingale.
 In Art, we had a go at drawing superhero face with detail.
  • Our school disco is on Wednesday 25th September, please pick your child up sharp at 4.30
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