Year 1S - Mrs Shah Class News

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Mrs Shah update

13 Sep 2024

This week in English, we have learnt to use capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and full stops at the end of the sentences. We also learnt to add conjunction ‘and’ to join two words.
In Maths, we were focusing on sorting objects in many different ways. The children really impressed us with their clever ways of grouping and organising different objects. We also worked on our number correspondence and counting carefully. We have started to learn our numbers to 10 in words; we will carry on working on this in coming weeks.
In History, Year 1 have started to learn about Florence Nightingale. This week they created timelines containing key events from her life. In Art, we learnt about primary colours, we then mixed some primary colours to make some secondary colours and made our own colour wheels.
  • Children should bring in their reading books every day.
  • Year 1 library day is Friday, please ensure their library books are in their book bags on Fridays.
PE days are Mondays.















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