Year 1S - Mrs Shah Class News

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Mrs Shah update

06 Sep 2024

Welcome back, we hope you have had a wonderful summer! 😊
The children have settled in well and are adjusting well to new routines. It has been great to get to know the children this week and we are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.

This week in English, we are learning about superheroes. We have focused on using our sounds to help us spell.

We started the week focusing on number formation, we have also been working on our number correspondence and counting carefully.
During our Science lesson this week we have started a new topic where we will learn all about the human body. We labelled and discussed the different areas of the body and what they are used for.
 Finally, in History we spoke about significant people. The children explained why certain people in their lives are significant and as we continue through this term, we will be learning about Florence Nightingale a significant person from the past.

> Please ensure all personal items are labelled to ensure things can be returned with ease if misplaced.
>PE days are Mondays.

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