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Mrs Shah update
03 May 2024
This week in English, we were working on writing our own poems. We first carefully planned what we were going to include in our poems e.g. rhyming words, adjectives, words that were interesting and fun. We then wrote our own poems using our plans. We also performed the poems in front of the class using expressions and sounds.
During our maths lessons this week, we practiced multiplication and division. We practiced making doubles, adding equal groups and sharing equally between 2, 3 and 4. E.g. sharing 12 sweets between 4 children, sharing 9 hats between 3 etc
In Science we practiced naming a variety of common amphibians, reptiles and fish. We learnt that reptiles are cold-blooded animals that usually has skin covered with scales or bony plates, fish are cold-blooded, they have fins not legs, they have gills not lungs to breath and that they lay their eggs in water. Amphibians are cold blooded, live on land and water, they lay eggs. In Computing we took inspiration from Picasso and created a simple drawing in the style of Picasso’s Dove of Peace. In Geography, children learnt to use directional language by giving instructions to their partners using correct terminology.